Making conscious choices can help you maintain your diet while travelling
A summer holiday or weekend getaway can be a great opportunity to embrace a new food culture. But if you’re trying to lose or maintain your weight, you might wonder how it might impact your diet. Learn how you can make smart food choices while enjoying the cuisine at your destination.
Published: November 2024
Next review: November 2027

If you’re creating a holiday itinerary, make food part of your planning. You can find restaurants, street food and takeaway recommendations before you book your flight. Many cultural cuisines like the foods eaten in Japan and the Mediterranean are known to be low-fat and include many plant-based options.
Finding food vendors close to your accommodation and the sights you want to explore might make it easier to manage your food while travelling.
But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be spontaneous. If you want to try something you hadn’t planned to, that’s okay. Consider how the types of foods you’re eating might impact your calorie intake and eat them in moderation.
For some travellers, it may be comforting to find and eat at the fast-food chains that you're are familiar with. It can make it easier to eat foods because you know you will enjoy them. But highly processed meals can contribute to weight gain because they often contain refined carbs, lots of salt and sugar.
As much as possible, try to eat fresh, whole foods like fruits, vegetables and lean protein. They can help you maintain a balanced diet.
Portion sizes differ across the world. A small plate of food in one country might be a large portion in others.
If you notice that the portion sizes in the country you’ve travelled to are larger than what you’re used to, you don’t have to feel pressured to eat it all yourself. Consider sharing plates of food with the people you travel with or saving part of it for later.
Eating lots of high-calorie foods can make it more difficult to maintain your weight, so finding ways to manage your portion size can be useful for limiting it.
Even though you might have booked your holiday for some well-needed rest, staying physically active is important. The benefits of adding movement to your everyday routine are far-reaching. From boosting your mental health to helping prevent disease, it is one of the best ways to improve the quality of your life.
It can also help if you have overindulged during your time away from home. Swimming in a pool or at the beach, cycling or adding some walks to your trip are easy ways to get moving.
Holidays are a great way to socialise. Whether you’re eating at a restaurant with friends, celebrating at a destination wedding or enjoying a meal with family, there are lots of situations where you’ll need to make smart choices about food.
If you can, opt for healthier menus. You should also consider limiting your alcohol intake as drinking wine, beer or other alcoholic drinks can add calories to your meals.
But remember that your holiday is a chance for you to enjoy yourself. If you haven’t stuck to your diet, you can always take steps to get back on track.