Pharmacy services
Pharmacy First Scotland

Pharmacy First Scotland service is designed to help people living in Scotland access health care quickly without waiting for a GP appointment.
The Pharmacy First Scotland service helps you get treatment from your pharmacist for the following conditions:
Acne | Diarrhoea | Mouth ulcers |
Allergies | Earache | Sore throat |
Athlete's foot | Eczema | Pain |
Backache | Headache | Period pain |
Blocked or runny nose | Head lice | Threadworms |
Cold sores | Hemorroids (Piles) | Thrush |
Constipation | Hay fever | Warts |
Cough | Impetigo | Verrucas |
Cystitis (in women) | Indigestion |
If you think you have one of these conditions, you can have a private consultation with one of our pharmacists. They can support you with advice tailored to your needs and suggest treatments to help manage your symptoms.
To be eligible for this service, you must be a Scottish resident and be registered with a GP in Scotland.