
Text notifications

Get a text when your prescription is ready to collect.

When your medicine is ready to collect, we'll notify you by text so that you can pick it come from your local pharmacy.

Everything else stays the same, so all you need to do is order your medicines as normal. If we already order your medication for you, we'll carry on doing this.

Woman sitting at a desk and texting

How to sign up for text notifications

Speak to your pharmacist

Tell your local pharmacy that you want to use our text notification service.

Confirm your number

Our team will make sure we have your preferred contact number.

Start receiving notifications

You will get a text letting you know when your medication is ready to collect.

If you think you are going to run out of your medication and have not had a text message, please contact the pharmacy during opening hours. You can use our pharmacy locator to find the right contact details for your local store.

Looking to get your prescription delivered to you? Learn more about our online prescription delivery service.

Approved by: Mital Thakrar

GPhC number: 2086675

Mital qualified as a Pharmacist and joined Well in 2013. With an extensive background in Pharmacy his current role as the Clinical Product, Digital Marketing & Innovation Manager focuses on innovation and commercial development of the online products at Well Digital.

Smiling pharmacist