Oral-B Essential dental floss provides advanced flossing action for a fresh, clean feeling in your mouth. Its advanced, 2-layered design provides superior strength, easy handling, and comfort.
Gentle on fingers and gums
Satin-like texture
Easily slides so you can reach the tightest spots
Mint flavour
Thin and easy to slide through hollow core technology
Promotes easy flossing even between tight teeth
How To Use
Wind 5 centimeter of floss around your middle fingers. Gently glide floss between teeth to the gum line. Curve the floss to contact as much of the tooth as possible. Gently move the floss up and down. Use a fresh section of the floss for each tooth. Used morning or evening after brushing your teeth, Oral-B Floss helps your gums and teeth stay healthy.
Keep out of reach of children.